Thursday, January 19, 2012


Just noticed that my last post was May 2011 and now it's now January 2012. That's quite a few months! Jeez Louise!

I should apologize - not that I have any readers, or that I necessarily want an audience - but to myself for the lack of blogging discipline. And I've had some really good material too :)

Here's a quick update on where I've (more like we, Mike & I) have been since May.

- Right after my last blog post, I learned that we are pregnant! Our little peanut was due January 13 (that's right, 6 days ago), but he's still baking away. Hopefully, this time next week Junior will be here!
- Mike began a new job that requires him to travel...A LOT. Like 18 days out of the month a lot. It's a great job and he really likes it. And if I can brag, he's doing great at it! This was a good set-up for me in the beginning of this pregnancy when all I wanted to do was lay on the couch, watch Law & Order SVU and eat weird combos like canned oyster stew and fruit smoothies - soon to be replaced by an insatiable hunger for chocolate chip cookies.
- In August, my mother-in-law lost her battle to brain cancer. It was a sad but very beautiful time for us. We each got to spend some time with her and I have no doubt in my mind that she is with our Heavenly Father - happy, healthy, whole. She told me once, that she has known since she was a very young child that she was chosen as God's daughter. It's been an interesting ride since then, but our memories of Moomie are strong and resilient just like her!
- And because God is so good, he fulfilled Zechariah 9:12 for our family. Return to me all you prisoners who still have hope (that would be our family for sure) for this day I declare that I will give you two blessings for each one of your troubles.

We count little Michael as the first blessing for our family. The second is a miracle. My sister and brother-in-law who struggled for many years with infertility - to be blessed with twin boys 6 years ago - found out they are having a little girl. No medical intervention, no planning, just a gift from God. Our babies will be (at this point) 3 weeks apart! Two blessings for each of your troubles. Thank you God.
- My middle sister is now engaged and getting married in November.

So, yeah 2012 is going to be a busy one.

Which leads me to the title of this post "Evolution." I started this blog out of a desire to write, a sense of loneliness at my old job, an urge to feel challenged, to find something to fill my time. And it did that for a few good months - but it felt very "me" focused.

Now, I want those things to change. I want this blog to be a place of family history - documentation of our days. The small, funny things that happen to a new family with a little boy. The journey God is taking us on.

Not necessarily to be shared, but to be the stable for all our great family memories and photos. If friends want to read, GREAT! But I also know that it could be boring. Example: Little Michael had diarrhea today and I washed 8 loads of sheets. Titillating right?

So that's the evolution of this lil ole blog. Hopefully you won't hear from me for a while because I'm birthing a baby. But at this point, I may be the first human to have the gestation period of an elephant.

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